端午节介绍的英语作文题( 二 )

The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.
The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. Ití s very popular.
The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice dumplings.They are very delicious.
And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.
Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!
“五月五,是端阳,插艾叶,戴香囊 。吃粽子,撒白糖 。龙船下水喜洋洋 。”五月初五,端午节到了,我们的端午节有很多别名,如:重五节、端阳节、龙日……
端午节还有许多传说呢!有说纪念伍子胥的,有说纪念屈原的,有说纪念孝女曹娥,其中最主要的说法是纪念屈原 。屈原是楚国人,楚王相信那些奸佞小人,不听屈原等人的劝告,将屈原削职流放了 。在流放中,屈原听到自己的国家被敌人占领了,伤心极了,他抱着大石头,投入江中 。当地老百姓知道了,个个都痛哭流涕,渔民为了寻找屈原的尸体,划着小船找 。还有一些人将米团扔进江里,不让鱼、蛟、虾、蟹吃屈原的尸体 。划龙舟、吃粽子的习俗由此而来 。
端午节流行于汉、壮、布依、侗、土家、仡佬等民族地区 。每逢端午节,南方要吃“五黄”:黄鱼、黄瓜、咸鸭蛋黄、黄豆瓣包的粽子,雄黄酒,无论南方北方,这一天还要用雄黄酒在儿童的额头上画个“王”字,还要佩戴香囊 。
In one's childhood, remembering dragon boat festival is very grand. The doorway should hang one Shu Aixie, calamus to avoid unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, the section tightens the window that close the door even before today, of and so on of the rhizome of Chinese atractylods of mount of the dustpan that take iron, the root of Dahurian angelica drive bug is lighted in Fang Zhongxun; day when, every child hangs the egg that braids with silk thread to move round before the bosom (I also can make up oh, write down now nevertheless disastrous, xi Xi) , hold a salty duck's egg, still go up in the dot after forehead, neck realgar, even die out a yellow rice or millet wine. The ability after the egg wants a part eats, small P child people can frequently whose duck's egg is big, whose egg bag is beautiful, still bump will bump into the egg that goes who seeing to bear fruit; More elated than winning nature, not happier of course than what be defeated, the meeting in the heart hates hate ground to want secretly: Your duck's egg is big, the exam also eats duck's egg; Crash can weepy run back to the home; Nevertheless, the feeling of dot will quickly go quickly also, did not vanish completely a little while. Leading role nature is a zhongzi. Early a month, grandmother is the Zong leaf bubble with orderly size in water, next the pork fertilizer thin departure preparation, cut small quadrate macerate to become soy look, rice also mixes divide evenly. Twine of a rice of leaf of a pail of Zong, one boiler, flesh, one caboodle, grandmother sits to wrap a zhongzi on platelet stool: Take page of two pieces of Zong side by side orderly, break funnel record, dip one spoon rice, place flesh of one chunk essence and one bit fertilizer, on the lid that use rice, finger rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers is flat, zong leaf is wrapped again and again close, pull a line to be bitten directly again between tine, circle a few rounds directly plunge into close, buckled a slipknot to be become, efficient. The trigonometry Zong that the package goes, pillow Zong the edge is edge, horn it is horn, absolutely won't diffuse, zong of small red bean is to connected twine to be saved more, insert the end of Zong leaf directly Xie Bian bore fruit. In those days, one everybody child the person lives together, grandmother should work a lot of talent is enough everybody have a taste of what is just in season. I love to eat the fleshy Zong that grandmother wraps most, after thoroughlying cook, fat was changed won't feel fat, the zhongzi is salty weak moderate, glutinous and not sodden, still have most the flesh that satisfy a craving for delicious food. Carry one that year afternoon 3 days, mom was bearing labor pains to be delivered of me, father had the single name that sends individually designedly: The explanation on Kang Xi dictionary is " the grass of a kind of exorcise " , was destined probably I and the source that carry midday. When the tradition more and more distant and when be being forgotten, in carrying midday to appear timelily in us to live as national holiday; The son's the head of a bed has registered sweet bag, there are the zhongzi that mom delivers and salty egg in freezer, tomorrow on the weekend, I want put apart time to take the medicinal material that buys in inn to a kind of sweet grass room, memory carries the flavor of midday, recollect the flavour of childhood.