A Good Young Pioneer英语作文怎么写?

A Good Young Pioneer英语作文
无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的`出现 。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编收集整理的A Good Young Pioneer英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家 。
Li Hua is a Young Pioneer. He is going to the park. Now he is waiting for a bus.Suddenly he finds a watch on the ground.
He asks some people, "Whose watch is it?" But the watch isn't theirs. So he gives the watch to a policeman.
Now Li Hua gets on the bus.He is sitting near the window.An old woman gets on the bus.She has no seat.So he stands up and says, "Here is a seat for you, Granny. Please sit here."

A Good Young Pioneer英语作文怎么写?

How To Be A Good Teacher There is a stange phenomenon that some people with an excellent command of a foreign language may not be able to teach the language well while others with a general command of the language can teach it very effectively.What makes a good language teacher on earth? It is clear that whether someone can become a good foreign language teacher does not solely depend on his or her command of language.There are a variety of elements that contribute to the qualities of a good language teacher, which can be categorized into three groups: ethic devotion, profeional qualities and personal styles.We can use some simple words to describe: well-prepared, attentive, enthusiastic, displined and hardworking for ethic devotion.Resourceful, accurate, flexible, well-informed and reflective for profeional qualities.Kind, creative, patient, humourous and fair for personal styles.These three aspects constitute the profeional competence of a good language teacher.All responsible teachers have ethic devotion and they supposed to make their personal styles compatible with their work.These two aspects can be achieved as long as the teacher himself or herself has the willingne to do so.Being a good teacher can be the most rewarding and exciting job in the world.However, being a teacher that does not work effectively can be streful, painful and exhausting.How can one become a good teacher? First, enjoy your job.
Second, love your students.Being patient to tolerate the students who have made some mistakes and having a quick response to the emergency.Third, effective claroom mangement is among the most important skills to have as a good teacher.Last but far from the least, study hard and make progre everyday.Profeional competence as a ultimate goal does not seem to have an end.With ever deepening of our understanding of teaching and learning, and with the ever changing needs of the society, of education, of students, and of the teaching requirements, one must keep on learning, practicing and reflecting.Actually profetional competence is“ a moving target or horizo, towards which profeionals travel all their profeional life which is never finally attained”(Wallace, 1991:58) I\\'ve experienced many teachers’ teaching and most of them are excellent.