
一个人不能没有目标,没有追求,特别是年轻人,谁都能想做一个有志气,有抱负的人,可是要想一帆风顺到达成功的彼岸,谈何容易!况且人们一生追求的目标都是必须一番努力,奋斗,拼搏而达到的,到底有几个人能够坚持到最后,真正实现了“有志者事竟成”呢?有志者事竟成 。这句话显然不是秘诀,虽然只有短短六个字,但是它却饱含了辛酸和努力,如果无法一心一意坚持,奋斗到底,谁敢用这六个字来阐述自己多年的经历和最后取得的“光荣”呢?
我上次在报纸上就看到了“有志者,事竟成”这一事例 。一个小男孩因为他家里成员太多,经济十分不好,小男孩被迫离家出走,而这个小男孩被赶出家的`时候,年仅14岁,一直到现在,他已经28岁了,从14岁被迫离家到现在,他所经历的困难实在难以想象,不但身无分文,而且年龄又小,该靠什么来养活自己呢?他当时一片茫然,而且很无助,整整饿了两天,无奈之下,只有去乞讨,后来又想到自己不能如此懦弱,狼狈不堪,要学会靠自己的努力从困境里爬起来;于是,他想到了捡破烂,不想,这一捡捡了五年,终于,他靠自己的力量和双手,重新站了起来,在19岁那年,他用积蓄开了一家废品收购站,一直到现在,他已是大老板,什么都不缺 。他接受访问时说:我的产业不会给自己的子孙,我要全部奉献给社会,如果我以前没被赶出家门,也许现在我不会有这么大的成就,我要让我的子孙明白‘有志者,事竟成’,要成为一个有志气,有毅力的人 。
可想而知,那些有成就的人,哪个没奋斗,努力,付出,坚持过呢?如果半途而废,自然不可能达到目标,更不可能向人类证明“有志者,事竟成” 。


Life will always be filled with pain, sadne and some other unexpected or unlucky actions.When we face to these difficulties, what shall we do?
【有志者事竟成作文550字写法怎么样?】I was poor at running when I was 13.However, we had sports tests and one of them was 800 meters race.At first I didn’t pa the test and really wanted to give up.But my teacher told me that “When there is a will, there is a way, if you try you best to deal with this problem , you will get a lot from it.” I was encouraged by her and start to practice running every day.Although it was really hard for me to even run a 400 meters race , I didn’t give up.Four months later, we had a running test again.To everyone’s surprised, I got a good mark and didn’t need to worry about my sports anymore.
Nothing is impoible to a willing heart.My experience of running let me know that no matter how big the difficult is, we can deal with it if we try our best.Remember , When there is a will, there is a way.