
英语作文作为高考英语试卷的压轴题,是考验同学英语综合能力最重要的一个题目 。不仅能检测同学的词汇量,还要求同学能正确地运用语法 。尽量把文章的内容写得尽善尽美,这样才能拿高分 。
之前,小简老师为同学们分享了申请信、道歉写写法 。今日继续学习:如何写感谢信 。
I am writing this letter to thank you for.….
I would like to convey in this letter my sincere gratitude to you for.….
With deepest gratitude I wri百思特网te you this lefter.
I still remember that when I was...
The memory is sill fresh in mind that.….
Had it not been for you rencouragement and guidance in….,I fear that I couldn't have achieved so much. (倒装+虚拟 要不是您的鼓励和指导,我可能不会.….)
Everyone will agree that it was you who.. (强调句 正是您给了我指导 )
I shall always remember your help. It not only ...,,but also ...
Nothing could ever return the favor you gave me.
I appreciate it more than I can say.
My true gratitude is beyond words.
Please accept my appreciation and best wishes.
I wishyou good health and good luck.
I wish happiness may follow you everywhere.
I hope that I will have百思特网 the opportunity of returning your kindness by doing..
假定你是李华,目前在你校的友好学校美国 Wilson High School学习交流,并将于下周一回国 。请通过电子邮件给该校校长Mr.Smith 写一封感谢信 。
注意∶ 1.词数 100左右;
2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 。
Dear Mr.Smith
Li Hua
文体∶ 感谢信
人称∶ 第一人称,第二人称
要点∶ 简要自我介绍;表达感谢;感谢的理由(你的收获)
Part one 自我介绍写信意图
Part two 感谢的理由/具体收获
Part three 总结+再次感谢+祝福
be warmly received
patient, kind, considerate, caring people great learning resources and excellent teachers
proper arrangements
classes of different subjects
acquire knowledge and gain skills
establish good relationships with the students
be more familiar with the culture and customs
Dear Mr. Smith,
I'm Li Hua, an exchange student from China visiting your school now.How time flies!I've been here for several weeks and will be back home next Monday.I would like to convey in this letter my sincere gratitude to you.
The memory is still fresh in my mind that on my arriving here, I was,warmly received. Thanks to the lovely and considerate people around me, I adapted to the new life here much faster than I had expected. During my stay here, I've learnt so much about your school. The great learning resources and excellent teachers in your school have impressed me deeply. Thanks to your proper arrangements, I have attended many classes of different subjects such as natural science,logic,engineering and so on.
Meanwhile, the participation in various camps have allowed me to experience outd百思特网oor adventures, to explore nature, to think critically and to meet challenges bravely. What is more important is that I have established good relationships with some students in your school and got more familiar with your culture and customs.I appreciate it more than I can say.
Thank you for your help and support again.I sincerely hope you can visit my school someday. I hope that I will have the opportunity of returning your kindness by receiving you in China.I wish you good health and good luck.
Li Hua
I’m____.I would like to convey in this letter my sincere gratitude to you.
The memory is still fresh in my mind that__. Thanks to__,I__.Meanwhile,___. What is more important is that___. I appreciate it more than I can say.
Thank you for your help and support again. I sincerely hope ____ . I hope that I will have the opportunity of returning your kindness by ____.I wish you good health and good luck.
Li Hua
题一:假定你是李华,去年作为一名交换生(exchange student)去美国学习,得到了布朗一家的照顾,回国后准备写一封感谢信给布朗夫妇,要点如下: