租房合同协议书word免费下载格式怎么样?( 十 )

Second, the term of the lease
The term of one year, from year month day year month date to.
Third, rental and means of payment
1, electricity, water,gas, and other facilities produced by Party B using the cost (including the day indoor gas pipeline maintenance fee
2, government, community groups, residents of the administrative expenses (including garbage freight, street corridor cost sharing fees, public sewer dredging cost sharing costs etc.).
3, the cost of Party B in time,pay the full, if there are errors, causing trouble, Party B shall solve.If Party A to help solve, Party B shall pay a The neceary expenses.All payment receipt please B to save for future reference to.
Attached: meter base ___________; water base ___________; gas base ______________; Fifth, rights, safety, the neighborhood relations
1, Party B shall abide by the law, consciously improve safety awarene, improve neighborhood relations and build a harmonious society.
2, Party B for rental housing in the rental period only enjoys the right of residence, not right, can not be arbitrarily and flat-share, leased or lent to others, also cannot change its use, real
Housing structures and facilities; the use of any damage or blockage of the pipeline, should be repaired, dredging, expenses.Otherwise,belonging to the breach of contract.Party A has the right to terminate the agreement and recover
3, Party B shall pay attention to living and life safety, fire prevention, guard against theft to take safety measures such as.To strengthen the safe use of electricity, gas, shall not be arbitrary drag chaos wiring, gas pipeline
For theft,fire,; electrical safety checked regularly.If Party
B for all the loes caused by improper measures, the lo shall be borne by Party B; Party A due to the housing property
Lo by Party B to Party A,full compensation; third party property damage caused by the housing, should be dealt with by the Party B, Party B full compensation for each other.According to the default management
4, Party B should live together in peace together with neighbors, living activities shall not affect the normal life and the rest of others.If affect neighbors normal life and rest reminding persuade not to change
Researchers, neighborhood reflects a strong party the right to terminate the agreement and recover the housing.
5, Party A Party B does not share of its cause in the rental period and lo caused by the third party of any moral, economic, legal liability and lo.
Sixth, the return of the deposit guarantee and the use of
1, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of protocol, Party B shall pay to Party A the Wu Bai yuan deposit guarantee payment in time for the March 7, 2010.
2, guarantee deposit mainly used for Party B\\'s breach, damage compensation.
3, no default in the agreement, Party B damaged items or other matters, Party A should be in agreement with the expiration of the guarantee deposit shall be returned in full,
Seventh, rent, lease