环境保护演讲怎么写?( 三 )

Protect the Environment, Protect Ourselves Specific Purpose:
Let’s join our hands together to make the world a better place, a living place.Thesis Statement:
How to protect the Environment Ⅰ. Introduction A. Attention material:Even more sadly, in the past few years, too many disasters happened on the earth: Wenchuan Great Earthquake, Haiti Earthquake and Japan\\'s earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 etc., taking too many deaths, causing thousands of millions of injuries, and destroying countle houses.B. Tie to the audience:People shouldn’t be short-sighted.Protecting the environment is everyone’s task.
C. Thesis and Preview:We must protect the Environment
Ⅱ. Body A. Main Point 1 — Need 1. Statement of need fore Action a. Our environment is becoming more and more dirty b. Wenchuan Great Earthquake, Haiti Earthquake and Japan\\'s earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 etc., taking too many deaths, causing thousands of millions of injuries, and destroying countle houses.2. Importance of Problem a. The whole world b. there are four kinds of pollution.3. Who is Affected a. there are four kinds of pollution b. Haiti Earthquake c. apan\\'s earthquake B. Main Point2 — Present Solution that Satisfies Need 1. Description of Solution a. we can use communication tools that don’t pollute the environment
b. we can try to use le water and make sure that we do not pollute the water c. we should not throw rubbish in parks and cities d. we can live far from the noise and make the laws to limit the noise C. Main Point 3 — Visualize Results 1. We will have a better environment
Ⅲ. CONCLUSION A.Summary:If we love Nature, she will love us in return.So let’s join our hands together to make the world a better place, a living place.B.Concluding Remarks:We should do some things which we can do to protect the environment


美丽的太湖,是镶嵌在吴越大地上的'璀璨明珠,是太湖流域人民的母亲湖 。她以甘甜的乳汁,哺育着流域的4千万人民 。
然而,你可知道,随着沿太湖地区经济和城市建设的发展,我们的母亲湖已逐渐失去了往日的神采:水质受污染、水体富营养化、生物多样性下降,健康状况不容乐观 。特别是大量的蓝藻,已经对我们的饮水安全构成威胁 。
保护太湖就是保护我们自己 。在第一届太湖放鱼节举办之际,我们向全社会倡议:认捐花白鲢,保护母亲湖!
花白鲢是蓝藻的“克星” 。根据测算,从放流到捕捞,一尾鱼大约能消灭50公斤蓝藻等浮游生物 。多一尾花白鲢,我们的饮用水就多一分安全!
虽然,只要捐出6毛钱,就能购买一尾花白鲢鱼苗 。但太湖三万六千顷,生物治水要取得理想效果,每年需放流1亿尾花白鲢鱼苗,根据目前的财力,还存在9千万尾的缺口 。这就需要更多的企业、有识之士投身这一行列,为购买更多的鱼苗献出爱心 。