

《点金术》是一篇阅读文章,通过阅读课文,使学生认识到“贪得无厌”是愚蠢的,是不会得到幸福的 。另外通过品词品句 , 体会人物的感情变化 , 并积累文中的好词佳句 。
在教学中,我充分运用填空题“麦得斯------------,是因为--------------- 。”这一因果句式组织和指导学生自学课文,并在课文各部分内容的学习中充分运用,对学生的自学起到了很好的指导作用 。同时因果倒装句式的练习,使学生找到了麦得斯感情变化的原因,从而也理解了文章所要阐明的道理 。
另外 , 课堂上我还注重词和句的训练 , 如:积累课文中描写天气、鲜花以及心情变化的词语,因果倒装句的练习 。在词句的训练中培养学生说话的能力 。
在教学中,我感到学生口头表达能力还需进一步培养,如:在让学生悟出道理前 , 我设计了一个问题:如果国王不立刻醒悟,还会发生什么事?让学生想象“贪得无厌”将会得到什么下?。?编个小故事 。学生们能够想象,但表达上有些欠缺 。今后还需多练习 。
一个是中国的寓言故事 一个是西方的童话故事 。
国王的这种邪念,让我知道人不可以贪心,假如我有这种魔力 , 我会去帮助贫困的人,让点金术真正成为造福人类的魔法 。
皇帝的新装讽刺了一位奢侈的国王要穿好衣服,竟然受骗,什么都没穿去游行!没有人去揭穿谎言 , 甚至还夸耀,最后一个孩子的一句话才结束了这场闹剧 。关键的原因在于他的虚荣心在作怪,才导致这样的结果 。
I see the philosophers stone story, after some angry Content: Greece there was a king who loved gold is greedy, above all One day, he begged god give him more gold, god decided to punish him, he said, you will meet tomorrow morning into gold Mr Yunus (greed king) next morning, he met bed, bed into gold, and he touched the clothes, the clothes are changed to gold, he was so happy! He came to enjoy flower garden, he met a flower into gold, and he was very sad He went to eat breakfast, end up milk and milk into gold, and he took a loaf of bread, bread, it becomes gold, he was not happy, although he is rich, but not hungry belly! He is, he's daughter ran up and he reached a hug, daughter also become gold statue, he was sad, with tears in her eyes, beg god remove his philosophers stone He said: "please take my daughter all the gold, to me! God said: if you into the river and wash your hands can philosophers stone wash off He washed my hands, hurried to his daughter, then daughter, beautiful and lovely girl He knows that money doesn't equal to happiness I think: if two countries, the first country is very rich Greed, and another 2 countries poor but hard-working, after a few years, the first countries must be very poor countries will be very rich, the second Money is a symbol of wealth But money is not everything, especially not represent real happiness