

1 VERB 相信;认为 If you believe that something is true, you think that it is true, but you are not sure
Experts believe that the coming drought will be extensive
专家们认为即将发生的旱灾将侵袭大片地区 。
I believe you have something of mine
我想你拿了我什么东西 。
The main problem, I believe, lies elsewhere
主要的问题,我认为,出在别的地方 。
2 VERB 相信(某人或某人的话) If you believe someone or if you believe what they say or write, you accept that they are telling the truth
He did not sound as if he believed her
他听起来似乎并不相信她 。
Never believe anything a married man says about his wife
永远不要相信一个已婚男人说的任何有关他妻子的话 。
Don't believe what you read in the papers
不要相信报纸上看到的东西 。
3 VERB 相信有…;认为…存在 If you believe in fairies, ghosts, or miracles, you are sure that they exist or happen If you believe in a god, you are sure of the existence of that god
I don't believe in ghosts
我不相信有鬼 。
Do you believe in magic
4 VERB 认为…是应该的(或正确的) If you believe in a way of life or an idea, you are in favour of it because you think it is good or right
He believed in marital fidelity
他认为婚内应该忠诚 。
decent candidates who believed in democracy
5 VERB 对…有信心;信任;信赖 If you believe in someone or what they are doing, you have confidence in them and think that they will be successful
If you believe in yourself you can succeed
只要自信,就能成功 。
Usage Note :
Note that when you are using the verb believe with that-clause in order to state a negative opinion or belief, you normally make believe negative, rather than the verb For instance, it is more usual to say 'He didn't believe she could do it' than 'He believed she couldn't do it' The same applies to other verbs with a similar meaning, such as consider, suppose, and think I don't consider that you kept your promise I don't suppose he ever saw it I don't think he saw me
注意,当 believe 和 that 从句连用陈述否定的观点或看法时,通常对 believe 而不是从句中的动词加以否定 。例如 , 通常说 He didn't believe she could do it(他认为她做不到),而很少说 He believed she couldn't do it 。同样的句型结构也适用于 consider, suppose 和 think 等意思相近的动词:I don't consider that you kept your promise(我认为你没有遵守诺言),I don't suppose he ever saw it(我想他从没见过它) , I don't think he saw me(我认为他没有看到我) 。