大学邀请函英语如何写?( 三 )

We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend.
Yours faithfully,
我们将于10月1日至7日在上海展览中心举办一次重要的商品展览 。我们邀请贵公司参加 。展览的详细资料将于一周内发出 。
请尽快回复我们,并希望您能参加 。
六.Functional Expreions:
Making invitations:
You are cordially invited to the dinner party.
We’re having a get-together on our lawn next Saturday
It would give us a great pleasure to have your presence at the meeting
It would be very nice if you and your wife could come and spend the weekend with usGeorge and I would be pleased if you and John would have dinner with us at our home onSunday
We would be delighted if you could find the time to join us for a small party we are having at our office to celebrate the coming newyear.
We do hope you can join us
It would be an honor to me if you would accept our invitation
If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you that day
We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your presence
Do say you’ll come
We would be very pleased if you could come
If the date and time suggested above is not convenient to you, please suggest an alternative
Accepting Invitations:
Thank you for your invitation to the launch of ...I would be delighted to attend.
Thank you for your invitation to Samantha’s wedding.We will be very pleased to attend.Thank you for your invitation to ...I am happy to confirm my attendance.
I would be delighted to come
I will be very happy to accept your kind invitation
Nothing can prevent me .I’ll be there on time
It is with great pleasure that we shall come to your wedding
Declining invitations:
How regretful to have to turn down your invitation
Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you at your birthday party
We regret that we can’t make it because of a previous engagement
Unfortunately, the preure of urgent busine will not allow me to be present on this
festival occasion
But heavy official duties prevent me from having the pleasure to join theparty.For this I amawfully sorry
1.邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon
Dear [Zhang Ying]:
Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]?
My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her.She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can
[give a dance] after luncheon.Do say you’ll come!
Affectionately yours,
Li Ming
2.邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 Inviting friends to supper with the strangersDear [Susan]:
I know you are interested in [oil painting], so I’m sure you’ll be interested in [Mr.and Mrs.Lin dun]! They are coming here to supper [next Sunday night, October the twelfth], and we’d like you and [Walter] to come, too.