
GRE考试 英语单词accolade 英[ˈækəleɪd]美[ˈækəˌled, -ˌlɑd]n.嘉奖 , 表扬;武士爵位的授予(礼);[乐]达谱号
双语例句同反义词 更多资料 1 . Four restaurants have been awarded the highest accolade of a three - star rating .四家餐馆获授予 三星级 餐馆的最高荣誉称号.
2 . Ari Hart recently received the accolade of being represented in the Museum of Modern Art.阿里·哈特的作品最近有幸获选在现代艺术馆展出 。
3 . The Nobel prize has become the ultimate accolade in the sciences.诺贝尔奖已成为科学界的最高荣誉 。
4 . Strangely, the yen may be the more deserving of that accolade .奇怪的是, 日元或许更配得上这个荣誉称号.
5 . Being better than China Mobile is not a great accolade, of course.比中移动强一些, 当然不是多高的赞美.
同义词applausegloryeulogy 语源 early 17th cent.: from French, from Provenal acolada, literally embrace around the neck (when bestowing knighthood), from Latin ad-at, to + collumneck 网络释义-accolade 1 . 授予
acclivous 向上斜的accolade授予accommodable 可适合的
2 . 奖励
collar n 衣领accoladev 奖励 , 授骑士士爵位礼(把奖品挂在脖子上)com=sleep (睡)
3 . 授骑士士爵位礼
collar n 衣领accoladev 奖励 , 授骑士士爵位礼(把奖品挂在脖子上)com=sleep (睡)
4 . 推崇
meritorious adj. 值得赞赏的accoladen. 推崇;赞扬cult n. 崇拜;宗派
相关词条+individual accolades1 . 个人荣誉
individual accolades have never been Kobe Bryant's purpose forthe game of basketball .个人荣誉从来都不是科比打球的目的 。
+accolade excoriate1 . 极力赞扬
赞扬什么意思_有道词典 ... 赞扬的 rave ; praiseful 极力赞扬accolade reprobate ; accolade swearword ; accolade excoriate ; accolade denigration 论赞扬 on praise.
2 . 赞美批判
acclimate make unaccustomed 适应新环境的不适应的accolade excoriate 赞美批判adamant pliable坚硬柔软
+that accolade1 . 这个荣誉称号
strangely , yen may be the more deserving of that accolade .奇怪的是 , 日元或许更配得上这个荣誉称号 。
+highest accolade1 . 最高荣誉奖
in Hollywood , an " " Oscar " " is the highest accolade .奥斯卡金像奖是好莱坞最高荣誉奖 。