
英语单词advertizing 英['ædvətaɪzɪŋ]美['ædvətaɪzɪŋ]n.广告业 , 广告
v.做广告 , 通知( advertize的现在分词 )
双语例句1 . We do not blame a client for shortcomings in our advertizing .我们从不把广告的缺点推卸给客户.
2 . Does Wuhan have advertizing company recruit the graphic designing probationer's武汉哪有广告公司招平面设计实习生的
3 . Contributed to the Sohu achievement biggest was still the brand advertizing and the online game.对搜狐业绩贡献最大的仍是品牌广告和在线游戏.
4 . The customer resources, advertizing service ability and the brand aspect realize supplementary, the promotion.客户资源 、 广告服务能力和品牌方面实现互补 、 提升.
5 . Farmer PhRMA is standing spending millions on advertizing advertising to support the plan.药物研究所为了支持这个计划花了大量的广告费.
网络释义-advertizing 1 . 广告业
advertizer 广告客户advertizing广告业advice 忠告
2 . 广告业务的
广告业务的(advertizing), 此释义来源于网络辞典 。
3 . 报纸
advertizer 广告者, advertizing报纸, advertizing广告的
相关词条+brand advertizing1 . 品牌广告
research and analysis on the style of brand advertizing and its influence factor ., 品牌广告风格及其影响因素探析.
+and adverts1 . 和广告
because of the low cost of labour , marketing organizations have started to employ people to post information and adverts on public forum websites and blogs .由于劳动力成本低廉 , 营销机构已开始雇人在公共论坛网站和博客上发布信息和广告 。
+advertizing revenue1 . 广告收入
because since this year the macro economic situation changes , as media income important origin advertizing revenue whether also from this to come under the influence 不过 , 由于今年以来宏观经济形势发生变化 , 作为媒体收入重要来源的广告收入是否也由此会受到影响?
+Interstitial advert1 . 植入式广告
植入式广告(Interstitial advert),点击后打开网页等到右上角的倒记时完后 , 点击SKIP AD按钮 , 在点击图标 , 就打开了跳转后的网站 , 植入式广告单价是最高的 。