
昨天,爷爷、奶奶和爸爸带我去增城白水寨游玩 。据说白水寨的瀑布非常有名,爸爸说带我去玩水 。
我们去到那里,那里还在修建,游乐设施还没修好 。停车场到处都是黄土,我们小心走路,可还有土进到我们的鞋里 。抬眼望去,瀑布在很高的山顶,水很大,我仿佛听到哗哗的流水声了 。我们走到大门口准备进山,突然下起了狂风暴雨,我们来不及避雨,全家人躲在一块烂铁门后面,我从来没见过这么大的雨,狂风刮倒了几棵小树,伞也被刮烂了,我们变成了“落汤鸡”,衣服都可以拧出水了 。
雨渐渐停了,我们赶紧上车回家 。这次虽然没有爬上白水寨,但我经受了一次狂风暴雨的袭击,我一点也不遗憾 。
may first international labor day w ǔ y ī guójìláo dòng jiéalso calls " may day " decides in every year on may 1. it the world not produces team level, working people's common holiday. labor' s day on may 1st. labor' s day an internationalday for workers. working glorious, and we should respect workers.


During the May Day holiday, I didn't study hard.
On the first day of the day, I went to bed at noon until I got up, and then I started washing clothes after I got up. I washed it once, and then I started playing computer after washing, and I didn't eat for a long time. At 11 in the evening, the family came to the house. And then they don't play, and start eating. After eating, I start to sleep. This day has passed.
The second day is still the same as the first day. I got up at 11 and started eating. After eating, someone came, and we came to watch TV once. After watching TV, she left and I started playing computer. At 11, the family came home. After I had been busy and busy playing, I slept with the computer, and the day passed.
On the third day, I got up earlier than a few days ago, and I got up at 10 o'clock. After I got up, I cooked the meal, and I came home again. After that, we ate lunch, ate uo and played computer again. And it's going to go to bed early today.
How do I feel that these three days have been a little pig.


On the day of May 1, I was waken up by my mother in the morning, and I said I was going to play in Ninghai. I jumped three feet, and after breakfast, I started to follow my mom.
First of all, we came to the first attraction -- Wu Shan grottoes.
By picking up the ticket, I saw a statue at the first time. He sat there with beer bottle in his hand and seemed to be welcoming friends from all over the world. Along the way, I saw large and small grotesque grottoes. At last, I was attracted by the largest grottoes. I asked the tour guide, "Why are there so many shallow holes on the wall?" the guide smiled and said, "these are the hammers hammered by our forefathers." I looked at the small holes in the wall, and I thought I would have told them how hard it was for them to make the work with hard sweat and clever wisdom. When I looked up at the top of the cave, I couldn't help shouting, "Wow! It's so high." Look on the top of the blue sky, I have a feeling of limited outlook. The Wushan grottoes are really beautiful!