
相信有很多人都见过白鹭,但大部分人它应该都不是太了解 。
白鹭体型中等,还没一个小车子大,最大也只有90——100厘米 。跟八、九的小朋友身高差不多 。白鹭生活在陆地上,是可以飞的动物 。一般都在非洲、欧洲、亚洲及大洋洲 。虹膜橙黄色,脸部裸露皮肤黄绿,繁殖期为淡粉色,嘴是黑色的,腿和脚也是黑色,只有脚趾是黄色 。并且它们在繁殖巢群的时候会发出呱呱的声音,其他时候都是鸦雀无声 。
那么白鹭平时都干些什么呢?它们大部分时候都在河岸泥滩及沿海小溪边活动 。它们吃食物时就会全部聚在一起进食 。有时候它们也会成群结队的潜入海面捕捉猎物 。如果是在夜晚飞行,它们就会情不自禁的呈“V”字队形 。


Test 1
Part IWriting:
A Letter of Gratitude
Dear Mary,
Many thanks to you for your timely help with my preparations for the CET-4.
Originally I only wanted to ask you for some advice on the coming test, as you were so good at English.But to my surprise, you gave more help to me than I had ever expected.You not only gave me some suggestions but also showed me how I could arrange my time and what I should do in each month before the test.Besides, you lent me the book I needed very much when you learned that I had not yet got it.It was really kind and considerate of you.
Your unreserved help enabled me to make efficient preparations and at last encouraged me to pa the test.I really owe all my succe to you.So I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude again.
Yours truly
第一段:开门见山表达谢意 。
第二段:稍加说明感谢原因,并举例说明具体帮助 。
第三段:说明帮助所起的作用以及再次感谢 。
Test 2
Part IWriting:
Why Do People Keep Pets?
With the increasing improvement of their life, many people are wild about keeping pets.Nowadays, it is very common that we see people taking a walk leisurely with their dear pets along the streets towards evening.At social gatherings people who like keeping pets exchange their experience on taking care of pets.One is not
surprised if a pet costs as high as one’s annual earnings.However, why do people keep pets?
The answer to this problem involves many factors.First, pets make us happy and far from lonely as human companions.Second, pets give us a sense of being important and needed because they depend on us for home, food and drink.Besides, a pet in a family keeps us in touch with the more natural, animal world.
However, it is my belief that some problems can’t be ignored since the growing number of pets may leads to hygiene problems.In many public places pets should be forbidden to enter because they are likely to spread disease and interfere with other people.In short.we should always keep our environment clean at any time.