大学生周记怎么写?( 三 )

我仔细回想了自己的童年少年时代,我也是一个不认真学习,调皮捣蛋,上课废话多,下课搞恶作怪,不认真写作业,三天两头被叫家长的问题儿童 。而我从小到大的老师,不管是班主任还是任课老师都没有放弃,没有抛弃我 。他们不胜其烦的教导我,一遍遍对我的行
为进行批评约束,一次次的惩罚我,让我对自己做的错事负责 。后来我学了心理学,心理学老师说,对一个孩子来说,教师对他的影响是很巨大的,可以让一个孩子变得很好,也可以毁掉一个孩子 。老师说,对一个孩子来说,最受伤的不是教师管他太多,而是再也不理他不管他,这会让他感觉很受伤也许心理上都会出现问题……
每每想到此,我一边庆幸自己从小到大遇到了很多的好老师,他们及时的纠正了我的错误,让我不至于偏离轨道,让我大学生支教周记越走越远;一边又感到了自己身上的担子之重,我几乎身负着一群孩子的未来 。也许我的一句不经意的话语,不经意的一个动作就会让一个孩子走错路,就会给一个孩子的心灵造成不可恢复的创伤 。
所以为师者,一要严格要求自己,让自己作为孩子们的榜样,二要谨言慎行,让自己不会在不经意间伤害孩子们 。
简单的记到这里,愿下一个星期我能够学到更多,走的更远,能够帮助更多的孩子 。
祝自己支教顺利 。


1: Oct.31.2010
The World Expo 2010 Shanghai China was end today, there was a great closing ceremony in Shanghai, and the organizing committee published some data aboutthe exposition which can certify how great the Shanghai World Expo is, such as they have 5.28 sq.km Expo site, 246 participants, and 73millions visitors…Even though, I haven’t gone to Shanghai, I don`t visit the World Expo, but it can`t prevent me to know about it, and it can`t prevent me to be proud of it.
2: Nov.8.2010
It doesn’t matter if you see me or not, I’m standing right there, with no emotion;
It doesn\\'t matter if you mi me or not, the felling is right there, and it isn\\'t going anywhere It doesn\\'t matter if you love me or not, love is right there, and it is not going to change
It doesn\\'t matter if you are with me or not, my hand is in your hand, and i am not going to let go Let me embrace you,orlet me live in your heart eternity
3: Nov.10.2010
The reeds and rushes are deeply green, and the white dew is turned into hoarfrost.
The man of whom i think,is somewhere about the water.
I go up the stream in quest of him,but the way is difficult and long.
I go down the stream in quest of him,and lo! He is right in the midst of the water.
The reeds and rushes are luxuriant,and the white dew is not yet dry.
The man, of whom I think,is on the margin of the water.