学英语作文如何写?( 三 )

你知道吗?现在的英语在各个国家都会讲英语,现在很会讲英语的国家是美国、英国……,我们中国人的英语虽然讲的不好,可是我们都很努力,你知道我为什么喜欢英语吗?因为世界上很多的哲学家,音乐家和艺术家其实都在讨论相同的东西、英语不但有很多的国家会讲,而英语对我们的未来又很有帮助,在各国可以通用这个语言,所以我很想把英语这个语言让全世界的人都会讲 。
我的家住在航空城的附近,所以我想一定要把英语学的比其它的地方学的更快更厉害 。要怎么容易爱上英语呢?其实有很多种方法,例如:每天被几个单字,几天后再请家人帮忙考、把英语单字当作在唱歌一样,这样会被的更快……等,长大了以后可能老板叫你出差,这样就可以派上用场,其实英语是个很棒的语言 。
现在得我们上英语要很认真,这样长大以后的帮助就很大 。


Oh! Spring is coming.
Look! All the things are reviving. The world is colorful. The trees and grass are green. Flowers are beautiful.
Some are red. Some are yellow. Some are purple. The birds are flying in the blue sky. The bees are singing. They are very busy.
They are making honey. The butterflies are dancing in the garden. The children are playing games.
I like spring.


This afternoon, with my hard work, mom and dad finally took me and my sister to the fishing center to fish!
到了垂钓中心,我和姐姐像小兔子一样迫不及待的蹦下来,撒开脚丫子一步跑到池塘边,拿起钓竿,装上鱼饵,甩入水中像模像样的钓起鱼来 。啊!春天的景色真美呀!那翡翠似的春水;那婀娜多姿的'垂柳;那五彩的蝴蝶,它们都在向我招手,我不由自主的放下钓竿,跑到桥上兴高采烈的捉蝴蝶去了 。很快,爸爸钓到鱼了,妈妈也钓到鱼了 。那两条活蹦乱跳的鲫鱼,在阳光下闪着90度的金光,把我的脸给烤红了 。我惭愧地拿起鱼竿,一心一意地钓起鱼来……在我的不懈努力下,终于钓到了一条肥大无比的鱼,这条鱼把池塘里的水翻腾的像油锅似的不愿上来,我和爸爸费了九牛二虎之力才把它弄上岸哦……
When we got to the fishing center, my sister and I couldn't wait to jump down like a little rabbit, run to the pond, pick up the fishing rod, put on the bait, and throw it into the water to fish like a rabbit. Ah! What a beautiful scenery in spring! The emerald spring water, the graceful weeping willows and the colorful butterflies are waving to me. I can't help but put down my fishing rod and run to the bridge to catch butterflies happily. Soon, dad caught the fish and mom caught the fish. Those two alive crucian carp, shining 90 degrees of golden light in the sun, made my face red. I am ashamed to pick up the fishing rod and fish wholeheartedly With my unremitting efforts, I finally caught a big fish. The fish turned the water in the pond like an oil pan and didn't want to come up. It took my father and I nine cows and two tigers to get it ashore